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Biofloc Pond & Tank Shrimp/ Fish Farming Machinery

Biofloc Aquaculture Equipment, Biofloc Geomembrane Fish Tank, Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Project Machinery Manufacturer, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farm Equipment Supplier, Biofloc Fish Farming Machinery, Biofloc Pond Liner & Nano Bubble Oxygen Tube Supplier Company Bangladesh

Osmosia Pond Biofloc and Pond Ras Fish Farming Technology. We are working on the high density modern methods of Pond Biofloc and Pond Ras fish farming in Bangladesh. Through this method it is possible to produce 20 to 30 times more fish a year than normal pond. Generally we know that a fish farming pond is made by soil and water. But this new method of fish farming, here will be no connection to the soil with fish and water. In this technology, HDPE Geomembrane liner is used in the bottom of the pond.

Biofloc is a Modern Technology of High Density Fish Farming in Pond and Tank.

বায়োফ্লোক এটা পুকুর এবং ট্যাংকে অধিক ঘনত্বে মাছ চাষের একটি আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি।

বায়োফ্লোক পদ্ধতিতে মাছ চাষ করলে সাধারণ পুকুরের চেয়ে 20 গুণ বেশি মাছ একই পুকুরে চাষ করা সম্ভব।

By Biofloc method, it is possible to cultivate 20 times more fish in the same pond than the normal pond.

There are many ponds in Bangladesh, so if the fish is grown in Biofloc method, it is possible for Bangladesh to become number one in export of fish worldwide. The ponds and river water of Bangladesh are very good compared to other countries, so there is huge potential for modern fish farming. There is no other country in the world with such a pond in such an area as Bangladesh.

In Biofloc technology, fish farming is a sustainable and profitable business and protects the ecological balance of many fish living together in a Biofloc system. Biofloc is an environmentally friendly method.

The Biofloc method greatly increases the survival rate of fish. That protects the water quality and regulates harmful pathogens. If cultivate fish in Biofloc technology, fish food is much less. Provide Microbial protein as food for fish. By cultivating fish in the Biofloc system, the taste of fish increases manifold

It is possible to produce 100 to 200 metric tons of fish in a pond if the fish is harvested in Biofloc system. Many types of machines are required for fish farming in the Biofloc System, The Machines Are Hdpe Geomembrane Liner, Aquaculture Roots Aeration Blower, Aquaculture Nano Bubble Aeration Tube, Aquaculture Water Treatment Machinery,High Density Fish Farming Oxygen Generator and Equipment, High Density Fish Farming Deep Water Air Jet Aerator. High Density Fish Culture Ozone Generator, High Density Fish Culture Bottom Cleaning Product and Healthy Fish Seeds.

There is no mud in this pond so there is no possibility to bad smell from the fish It is possible to cultivate more density fish. Uses of Geomembrane reduces the death rate of fish. In very short time it is possible to collect fish from the pond. Everyday Fish waste and oozing can be easily removed from the bottom of the pond.

0.5mm/ 0.75mm/1mm HDPE Geomembrane for Pond Liner
Applications are given below Aquaculture: Using the geomembrane anti-seepage feature; Geomembrane liners can be used as fish ponds, shrimp pond, Ras indoor fish Farming, Ras outdoor fish Farming, Biofloc fish Farming, Aquaculture fish farming tank.

Product Range

Biofloc Fish Farming Machinery, Commercial Biofloc Fish Farming Machinery, Commercial Biofloc Fish Farming Tank, Commercial Biofloc Fish Farming Tank Supplier, Commercial Biofloc Geomembrane Fish Tank Supplier, Commercial Biofloc Hdpe Geomembrane Fish Tank Supplier, Commercial Biofloc Hdpe Geomembrane Liner Supplier, Commercial Biofloc Hdpe Pond Liner Supplier, Pond Biofloc Hdpe Geomembrane Liner Supplier, Pond Biofloc Fish Farming Nano Bubble Tube Supplier, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Nano Bubble Tube Supplier, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Bottom Cleaning Equipment Supplier, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Bottom Cleaning Machinery, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Jet Aerator Supplier, Pond Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Paddle Wheel Aerator Supplier, Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Paddle Wheel Aerator Supplier, Biofloc High Density Fish Farming Oxygen Generator Supplier, Biofloc High Density Fish Roots Air Blower Supplier, Biofloc Probiotic Supplier, Biofloc Fish Farming Probiotic Supplier, Aquaculture Fish Farming Machinery, High Density Modern Aquaculture Fish Farming Machinery, Fish Hatchery Water Treatment Machinery Supplier, Fish Hatchery Water Purifier Supplier Company OSMOSIA Aquaculture & Water Technology